Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Home stretch

Thomas is still doing wonderful. He is having some slight withdrawal, but nothing that we can't get through. He goes back into the OR tomorrow so they can take a look at how the scar tissue is forming. Most likely they will have to dilate it with a balloon. They like to stay on top of that and dilate the tissue when it is still malleable, so we will probably have to follow up weekly with ENT to ensure the scar tissue doesn't shrink his airway back down. Here is the after picture of his airway. 
If you compare the bottom right picture to the before images from a prior post you can really see the extra space he has now. The doctors have talked about us being able to go home soon, it will depend on a few things. He will need to continue to rock out his drug taper and not have any airway issues, but typically they like you to stay local when there was an airway surgery, so if they go into distress you can get here quickly. Our case has been brought up to the decision makers to see if our home is too far away for us to be at. Keeping our fingers crossed that home is in sight. 

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