Thursday, June 12, 2014

Non-stress Test

Today was a new kind of appointment, we did what was called a non-stress test on the baby. They hooked me up to a monitor (much like when you are in labor) and it measured the baby's heart rate over a period of 20 minutes while I clicked a clicker every time I felt him move (very scientific if you ask me). Regina, the lady who runs the non-stress test, explained that they want to make sure that when the baby has a bunch of movements his heart rate increases at a normal rate and then decreases back down to resting at a normal rate. This is to ensure his oxygen levels are good. Luckily, he passed and it was nice to have an appointment that didn't result in any disappointment. This will be what our Thursday appointments are from here on out and Mondays will be ultrasounds to measure his little parts. At 36 weeks, we will do another growth ultrasound which will hopefully show that is he is still growing and getting bigger, otherwise we would have to deliver sooner rather than later. No appointments next week, since I will be on vacation with the Flachogers crew. When we get back we have our neuro appointment with Dr. Vogel and I have been collecting all kinds of questions for that one, so looking forward to having a little more information from a true SB specialist soon.

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