Friday, October 31, 2014

Calm between the storms

Today has been nice and quiet. He did great on his shunt surgery yesterday and the scan this morning looks stable. He still has some stridor, but nothing like what it was and he was extubated ( breathing tube removed) so we can hear him again. No commotion in our room today, just lil Thomas and I hanging out. We are on the schedule for a decompression surgery on Monday so we are just going to enjoy some quiet cuddle time before another flurry of activity Monday and then a little rougher of a recovery after that surgery. I would have brought his superman costume if I had known we would be here for Halloween. Never has a costume been more fitting....


  1. Oh, Sarah! *hugs to all*

  2. It would be fitting for you to have a Wonder Woman costume to go along with little Superman <3
