Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Clinic Day with Thomas - Our day in pictures!

Good parking spot = good day

Here we go....

Prof. Thomas at the urodynamic study
"Let's rock this, mom!"
We always have to see the fish in the waiting room
This isn't so bad, TV, snacks and an ultrasound of kidneys.
Starting to get restless with this whole ultrasound thing
More snacks make Thomas a happy boy
Ultrasound selfie
Happy guy to be getting back in the car and heading across the street to clinic
In the waiting room at Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Gained weight (slightly)!
CHEESE with the selfie stick!
Spina Bifida Coalition of Cincy always takes good care of us.
Goodie bag while we wait!
Relaxing while we see our clinic doctors
Poor guy, trying to get a quick snooze while waiting to head back
to the hospital for more testing.
CAT scan to check for shunt malfunction.
Thomas is not a huge fan
Trying to ration our snacks as we wait to be seen in the ER
Triage at the ER, he loves blood pressure cuffs
"I would like more crackers and I am done asking nicely!"
"I don't care that it's empty, you can't take it from me!"

Shunt tap to test for flow and pressure. Also Thomas is a bad ass, that's a needle in his head!
Well he did it again, no one can figure out our sweet little Thomas and
what is going on inside his brain. So here we go being admitted to the neuro floor!
FaceTiming with Johnny and, as usual, laughing at him!
"Why am I back in the ultrasound room and where are my snacks?"
Yup almost 8:00 pm...we got to the hospital at 8:00 am.
Waiting in the ER still, watching Duke lose and eating veggie sticks
It's been a 10 hour day at this point and this kid is still smiling, even though it was a LOOOOONG
day, I got to spend some great 1 on 1 time with him and it was fabulous to just BE with him.
Spiked a fever while we were waiting and just wanted to cuddle.
Fell asleep in the ER waiting for our orders. I LOOOVE
how he slept with his hand on my leg. I'm still here, kiddo!
Quiet hospital concourse after hours
"I get to have pudding...really??!!"
Watching Cars
So thankful he can sleep anywhere
A boy's gotta eat

Got the discharge orders, lets go home!

It was a crazy day. At clinic they felt some fluid on his shunt valve that no one could explain and we weren't sure it was old or new, so we were sent back to the hospital for testing and eventually admitted for observation and further study. After some tests and a few days, he was discharged and everything is fine! I enjoyed my time with him and I think we did a great job of making the best of what could have been a stressful and hectic few days. So grateful for our fabulous family and friends back home to help hold down the fort with everything!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to share. Thomas is a bad ass to handle that long of a crazy day!
