Monday, April 20, 2015

Those highs

Thomas is really blossoming. To an outsider it would be hard to notice, but his changes and development are so drastic and monumental to us that I can't help but share them. 

He babbles and sings back to us, he laughs at moments when we are laughing. His interaction and desire to insert himself in conversations is something I wasn't sure he would ever have. He is really showing his determination, also. He wants to move!! He is 9 months old (I had to read that twice just to believe it!!) and he wants to get around. We weren't sure what kind of real mobility he would have, but he is beginning to roll. I know that at nine months rolling shouldn't be such a celebration, but in our house it is!! He is so determined to do it, but you can see how hard it is for him, which makes it more of a tribute to his perseverance. It is wonderful to see these traits like determination, perseverance and stubbornness play a role in his daily life OUTSIDE of the hospital. We knew he had these traits all along, but he was only able to show us in his battle for breathing, or determination (also pronounced stubbornness) to nurse when no doctor thought he could. Now to see those same characteristics propelling him towards new goals, well,  it's one of those incredible highs you always know will accompany some of the lows of spina bifida and it brings me to tears just getting a glimpse of what this little man of ours is going to accomplish!! 

1 comment:

  1. So awesome...can't wait to watch those motor milestones gently roll in (pun intended!)
