Sunday, February 15, 2015


Thomas's procedure will be Wednesday morning, February 18 at 9:53 am. You read that right, the procedure will start at exactly that time, that both baffles and comforts me with punctuality. As we prepare for the day and the recovery after, I am struck by the stark difference between his other surgeries, which were basically emergency surgeries, and this planned one. The other ones, we didn't have time to pack a bag and think about what he, or we, would need or like to have. Also, we didn't have time to question the process or to worry, just time to act swiftly. Thinking about this particular surgery and how only 10 kids have had this done at CCHMC, I am thankful for those brave families that opt to be the first when it comes to new surgeries. To help find new paths and discover new methods, it can't be an easy decision to give the green light for a doctor to basically experiment on your child. Even though extensive research goes into anything before even thinking of making it a reality on a child, it is still an incredibly brave decision to have your child be the first few and for those families who blaze that trail, I am greatly appreciative. 

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